6 Way Valves
Written by Administrator

Cocktails and long drinks composed of several components can be easily programmed to the precise customer recipe. For the bar several dispensing options are available to satisfy preferred working environments.

FeaturesVanne 6 cocktail

- with Cascade 3 Builder software cocktails and long drinks are programmed conveniently

- dispensing towers can be equipped with one or several multiple valves. Each valve can dispense 6 spirits or 5 soft-drinks with soda or 4 soft-drinks with soda and still water

- by combining i.e. 3 valves in one dispensing tower, 12 spirits and 5 soft-drinks are available

- all components of one cocktail are dispensed into the same glas

- 8 components can be dispensed at the same time or in a programmed sequence

- each product key controls 8 components and 5 links to articles of other Cascade 3 modules in the loop. These links generate credits to FlexiBar, CodeCap and coffee machine to dispense components for other mixed beverages